What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is also known as the machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by the Machine like in natural Intelligence, intelligence is demonstrated by the humans. In the past 5 years, Artificial Intelligence has emerged as the most vital technology. There is various theory emerged regarding artificial Intelligence whether it will be a boon or bane.
Some people are considering it as a threat to the jobs and some people are considering it as a chance to improve a person’s skill. This technology will definitely help us in various things. Nowadays, almost every instrument uses Artificial Intelligence. You can observe in various mobile phones, Artificial Intelligence cameras are used. These cameras take pictures automatically and make those pictures very perfect. Various examples are seen where we can say that this technology can be seen as functioning. Nowadays, various companies are using AI techniques in their hiring process. They are conducting an online test using Artificial Intelligence. Various other things can be seen where people are using this technology. Almost every big organization(Google, Amazon, Flipkart, and Ericsson, etc) is using technology for efficient and productive work. Machine Learning, Industry 4.0, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence all are connected to one another. There is a prediction that by 2025 almost about 60–70% industry will be run by these 4 technology naming as Machine Learning, Industry 4.0, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. This technology will be based on the 5G (5TH Generation). 5G will be the backbone behind Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Industry 4.0, and Deep Learning. There are various sayings that this technology will affect jobs. Some people are saying that this will be a boon for various companies. Many people are saying that this will help them to improve their business function. In my opinion, this technology will definitely become a threat but also this technology will become the backbone for many organizations. Ericsson company whole future depends on the future of 5G technology.
There are many applications of this technology. This will be used in the Healthcare center, Finance and Economics, Military, automotive, and various other centers. In the healthcare center, it will be used for the CT(Computed Tomography) scan or ECG(electrocardiogram). It will pop out better results. It will be used in the Finance and Economics Sectors. It will help in computing various formulas in the finance and economics sectors. Various Military led applications will be developed by this technology. Tesla is a world-famous company that is making a car that will be based on Artificial Intelligence. It will be a driverless car that will be run by Artificial Intelligence technology.
There are many negative as well as positive things that can find out from this technology. Negative things that can find out is that it will be a threat to the jobs sector. It will definitely an agent who will take a few people's jobs. MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Sector) will be the most affected sector. In this sector, various people will not able to upgrade their skills as required to compete with other technology. MSME sector will be the most affected sector. People will not able to cope with new advanced technology. MSME as well as the Manufacturing sector will be the most affected sector. MSME, as well as the manufacturing sector, will be upgraded with Industry 4.0. Every work will be done by the machines robotically. Manpower will be very less for the purpose. People will lose their jobs.
On the other hand, It will be very useful for people, people will upgrade their skills and perform the required task. Those people who will be able to upgrade with technology. They will definitely get high paid jobs.